Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Rammbock: Berlin Undead, (2010)

    Well, after seven years, Gabi dumped Michael. 

    In a last ditch effort to woo her back, Michael, armed with a tissue-thin plan about returning her keys, travels from Vienna to her new apartment in Berlin. Instead of Gabi, Michael finds a couple of plumbers working on the building. The senior plumber starts acting... well, strangely, and attacks Michael and Harper, the young apprentice plumber. The two quickly chuck him out the door and barricade it.  Then, attracted to the sounds of a riot, the two's eyes turn towards the balcony. Looking down, they watch the first signs of the outbreak unfold in the apartment complex's courtyard.

    So, the lovelorn Michael and the plumber's apprentice, Harper, find themselves under siege, accompanied by an ever dwindling number of other residents, who can only communicate through their windows across the open courtyard.

    The pervasive deceased continually tighten the spaces and create a claustrophobic atmosphere, to couple with the sense of hopelessness, as melancholy Michael, and resourceful Harper, and the other living occupants struggle to meet challenges of survival and, eventually, to hatch a plan to escape to the seaport.

    A few sides notes here: The zombies in question seem like your traditional zombies, (with the exception of running and growling!) but there is no definitive proof that they are, in fact, dead and/or undead. The radio called it a virus, and it might just hijack the person through the infection, à la Rabies. Okay, true. There is, of course, the English language name, "Berlin Undead," which STRONGLY implies that they have, in fact, shaken off their mortal coil. But aside from that minor detail, it is only implied.

    Also, there is also no evidence of destruction by damaging the brain. In fact, no zombies were harmed in the making of this film. Seriously. There are no guns, or projectile weapons of any kind, (Harper's eye-gouging slingshot made from old forks actually broke during its virgin attempt!) and the one pipe that was used against some walkers* in one scene was minimally effective. (*Forgive the Walking Dead vernacular, -especially considering these guys are runners- but the synonyms list for "zombies" is a short one.)

    Ingenuity and perseverance prevail, (to some extant,) and a plan is put into action.

    But will Michael and Gabi EVER get back together? I mean, this is not by any means a love story, but this Michael guy is so pathetically lost without her. And when she does appear... Wait. No. I am gonna minimize the spoilers because this is a film that I want to recommend. I like this one and have seen it a coupla' times. Oh sure, it is subtitled, but the conversation is minimal and the subtitles are quick. Conversation is NOT a priority during the Zombie Apocalypse! 

And, like I've said before, just read the F'in' subtitles! It's not that hard!

    Rammbock / Berlin Undead scored a whopping 3.0 out of 4.0, (and an even more rare complete agreement between myself and the Zombie Movies Rubrick.) I mean, there is nothing out of the ordinary or groundbreaking here, just another tale from the (forthcoming) Zombie Apocalypse. But it is a really well done one without annoying characters shouting "What the hell are those things?" or flinging more bullet casings around than a Robocop moviethon.

    Enjoy now the trailer for it from the ever-reliable youtubes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErSQdtSNniA

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The Horde, (2009)

    Imagine if Die Hard took place during a zombie apocalypse instead of Christmas. There ya go. Lemme 'splain.

    The murder of a French police officer incites the revenge of his fellow cops against the gang responsible. Things go wrong. And then, things go VERY f'in' wrong! A surprisingly abrupt and widespread outbreak envelops Paris turning the dead into ravenous, animal-type zombies. The surviving cops and the surviving criminals must form an uneasy truce to stay alive.

This film is not, (read that with some emphasis,) NOT played with any tongue-in-cheek, quirky cuteness or remotely lighthearted "zom-comedy." This is a straight-up, action/horror film. The Horde delivers on suspense, action, a metric shitload of zombie gore, and some good, spot-on scares. The fact that the characters are developed, identifiable, and engaging is complimented by the decent acting of the cast.

    The zombies are of the "Runner' type: All a-growly and angry, but in this tight and claustrophobic environment, it works well. 

    This is definitely for those zombie movie fans who like the 'action' element of Dawn of the Dead, 28 Days Later, or even World War Z. Okay, sure. It IS in French, (but trust me, read the damned subtitles. Voice over-dubbing only screws the pooch on these things!) but the action pushes the character development as much as the dialog, so it is not that much of an intrusion to the story. 

    The Zombie Movie Rubric gave it a respectable 3.0 which translates to watchable and even re-watchable!

    Don't avoid it because of the 'foreign-ness!' It is worth the French! See for yourself with this trailer found on YouTube: THE HORDE 

My Zombie Movie Reviews Rubric

In order to fairly 'grade' a Zombie film, I use the following nine criteria points. It is not a perfect system, but it does keep me...