Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Last Ones Out, (2016)

In southern Africa, Henry, an American tourist, goes in for an operation. Just before the surgery, however, a zombie outbreak takes place leaving him alone on the operating table, in the dark, and unable to move.

With the help of a young doctor and a couple of hospital staff, Henry is whisked out of the undead-infested hospital and onto a pickup truck headed out of town.

Through a found satellite phone, Henry learns from his less-than affectionate fiancé that there is an evacuation point in the nearby town of Harbel. So the group sets out across the country in hopes of catching the convoy out.

As luck would have it, just as their pickup's gas tank is drained, Henry’s appendix needs emergency tending-to on the fly. But an impromptu, broken-glass scalpel, pool-table appendectomy is such a success, he is up and running from the undead within the day, and we’re back into the action. 

(Okay, I realize that some suspension of reality is required to enjoy a zombie apocalypse film, but, Come On! Having your belly cut into under the most hygienic and careful conditions leaves some abdominal pain. Running, fighting, and helping to carry another man within 24 hours of such a hurried and desperate procedure is asking a lot from the audience to overlook! Jus' sayin.')

Well, some betrayal, some ulterior motives, and some inter-character tension among the fleeing foursome provides some interesting drama, (assumedly to cover for the shortage of actual zombies!) and help to reshape certain characters’ personalities.
As the changing collection of survivors pushes on, and a fairly linear story of the ‘get to the extraction point’-class evolves, things settle into a standard zombie survival road movie.

The zombies are of the growling, running variety and of pretty decent quality at that, but sadly, are just too few and far between - even in what appeared to be a fairly densely-settled township.

Convincing acting from both living and dead, excellent production quality and an exotic location, help balance out the lack of an original story, (and honestly, the whole appendectomy-thing could have been omitted completely without any loss to the story.)

         ZMR scoring saw Last Ones Out earning itself a 2.78 out of a possible 4.0. This equates to a worthwhile and enjoyable viewing, (despite my complaints,) and a welcome addition to my Zombie Movie library.

And, of course, YouTube has a pretty enticing trailer to further tempt those on the fence: LAST ONES OUT

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