Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Escaping The Dead, 2017

    Failed drug dealer and stoner, David, is in deep debt with some mean, unsavory people. So, along with a 'pal' they do a deal to sell some drugs to pay off some of what they owe.

    *Spoiler alert* The drugs are tainted, and in little to no time at all explaining how, there is suddenly a full-scale zombie apocalypse happening.

    What follows is literally just David ‘escaping the dead.’ With Zs around every corner and resilient to all but head shots, David must continually move and evade.

    Right off it must be said, David is unlikeable. He is an opportunistic, selfish, dirtbag. And a petty criminal. And, frankly, pretty stupid. Aside from his many poor life decisions, it takes him three guns worth of useless, center-mass shots before he discovers the whole “head shot” thing.

    So, yeah, David is decidedly ‘un-root-for-able.’ Sadly, he is also all we have. In fact, after the outbreak, most of the movie is him, toking and stumbling his way through Copenhagen, fighting, running from, and hiding from zombies. But this is where the blood and guts gets its lion’s share of visibility!

       Eventually, David teams up with a cop, (of all people!) and they attempt to get free of the city. No really interesting 'good guy/bad guy' banter happens, and aside from some trust issues, this little Odd Couple scenario is almost completely wasted. 

    Once outside the city, David, his policeman partner, and now a few more survivors decide to hole-up and attempt a ‘last stand...’ With mixed results!

    The good news: The undead are for the most part full-on Romeros, (see Zombie Classification Chart here: Zombie Types.) Only on occasion or two do they hustle up more than a stagger/stumble. Zombism is transferred through bites, And Boy, Oh Boy! Do they feast on the flesh of the living! 

    Characters, (or David & some others guys,) though convincing in their roles, are totally without depth or backstory. I mean, who really cares if a drug dealer who starts a zombie apocalypse survives or not!?!

    The budget was clearly shoestring, but the filmmakers seemed to have made the most of it. SPFX, (i.e. blood & guts & face chewing,) appears to have been the biggest ticket item! Probably a good idea.

    So, what we have left is a pure zombie horror film - No ZomCom, no RomZom, and mos’ def’ no RomZomCom! The living dead are the threat and only threat, and surviving them is the only point. It is actually simple and straitghtforward and without all of those “Walking Dead”-like twists and turns, and enemy people with some evil plan. The title says it it all.

    So, let’s hold Escaping The Dead up to the Zombie Movie Rubric, (the most objective tool I have to keep my personal pet peeves at bay!) Escaping The Dead earned itself a 1.888 points out of a possible 4.0, with the zombies and the zombie attacks doing the high scoring!

    So, TECHNICALLY, that is a below-average scoring. And while it is true that this is a below average zombie movie, it is one for sort of excuse-able reasons. The zombies were above average, and the acting and the pacing were at least average - So, yeah, no originality, no real plot, crappy writing, and horrible characters, but, ‘on average,’ I have seen much worse.

Although I still can’t give a hardy recommendation, I can say that it is a dumb, fun horror flick that can scratch a zombie movie fan’s Z-film itch. 

And, of course, here is the YouTube Trailer to help you decide: ESCAPING THE DEAD 

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My Zombie Movie Reviews Rubric

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