Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Dead Shack (2017)


    So, no outbreak, no apocalypse, just a nice cabin in the woods… and some neighbors.

    Roger is a nice guy. He decides take his two teenage kids and his son’s friend on camping trip a rustic, secluded cabin in the woods with him and his girlfriend. You know, for some quality, ‘family bonding.’ 

    For fun-loving Roger and his girlfriend, Lisa, it’s also ‘drinks and no responsibilities’-time, but the kids decide, as kids will, to go exploring the woods and surrounding area.

They come across a neighbor’s house, and Oops! What’s going on there!?! A quick peek in the window reveals all - But now they may be in danger.

No. *Spoiler* They ARE in danger.

    The rest of the film unfolds as a fairly standard cat & mouse, secluded cabin, horror film, with a sprinkling of zombies and a chuckle or two. 

    Those zombies, though few in number, seem to adhere to the ‘Rules of Romero,’ and present a real enough menace to maintain the excitement. They aren’t, however, the principle antagonists, nor, (at least for my tastes,) are they utilized or seen, enough. 

    All of the characters are believable enough, with some being really annoying. What is unbelievable is why anyone would choose to go on vacation with some of these people. 

    Not Roger!!! He and Lisa are great! I’d hang out with them! 

    Overall, the acting is pretty good, (the cast all have decent résumés, many including the television show iZombie!) and the nice, remote, Canadian wilderness makes for a great setting. The pacing is a little uneven, however, with just a bit too much time spent on teenagers cracking wise.  

    According to my Zombie Movies Rubric, Dead Shack scores a 2.875 points out of a possible 4.0, giving it a better than average rating for something different in the whole ‘living dead genre.’ 

    Personally, I found it to be an enjoyable watch. Light hearted, funny at times, scary at others. Worthy of recommendation to sate one's 'zombie flick' hunger. 

    YouTube has the Official Trailer right here if you are still curious! DEAD SHACK 

    Oh, BTW - if, like me, you just buy up all things undead on BluRay or DVD, try not to be deterred by the somewhat average and misleading case cover pic...

         I mean, meh.

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My Zombie Movie Reviews Rubric

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