Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Zombi 3 (1988)

    Shortly after an experimental reanimation drug is created, a group of terrorists steal it and one becomes infected. The government agency responsible decides on a ‘sweep and clear’ of the area while 3 small groups of tourists converge only to be caught between the military action, and the now-widespread walking dead.

    First of all, it must be said - Zombi 3 does not hide its influences! The ‘shoot ‘em up’-style of action is very reminiscent of Romero’s ‘Dawn of the Dead,’ while the scientists versus military dynamic harkens to 1985’s ‘Day of the Dead.’ Even the method of mass transmission, (the airborne ashes of a cremated zombie,) is taken from ‘Return of the Living Dead,’ also released just three years prior! 

    These make it even more surprising that the movie seems to completely ignore its own predecessor, Fulci’s amazing ‘Zombi.’ 

    Providing its own cause for the outbreak, and the subsequent spread of the infection, ‘Zombi 3’ seems more like a standalone reboot than it does a sequel.

    The acting is not good, get that straight. I know that an Italian film that is dubbed into English, often times the dialog is altered somewhat to fit the actors’ mouth movements. I am typically as forgiving of this as I can be, but with only a few exceptions, it was clear that these “actors” were new to this. Or just blatant ‘over-actors.’ And this on the parts of both the living and the dead.

This over-the-top scientist acted like a dropout of
the William Shatner/Adam West School of Acting!!!

    There is an inconsistency between the zombies, too. At times, they are perfect Romeros, (see my Zombie Classification Chart,) other times Russos, sometimes wielding weapons, frequently jumping from above, (TOO frequently!), and don’t even get me started on the flying head! (Yes. You read that correctly!)

    On the film’s positive side, it DOES have a good and clear story arc, beginning to end: Creation of the virus, outbreak, spread, conclusion. Very linear. I like that! No meandering.

    The movie also has a couple of genuine scares, (that awesome pool rescue!), and even a zombie siege on a (poorly,) fortified stronghold. I also like the fact that even if the living characters are devoid of backstory and fairly interchangeable, it is surprising to see just how frequently and dispassionately the movie kills one off! Kind’ve refreshing that way!

    Lots of Fulci gore for the fans of that, too. True, a good deal of it comes from festering pustules and blisters that accompany the zombism this time around, but plenty of flesh tearing, too. 

    For all its faults, I didn’t dislike this film. In fact, I kinda enjoyed it. My objective grading device, the Zombie Movie Rubric, however, was not so kind. Action / Pacing, Zombies, and Budget save this from the “Total Stinker” category, tallying up a 1.33 out of 4 for a score. 

    It is really hard to believe this is the sequel of Fulci’s masterpiece, Zombi. (Or Zombi 2, depending on your source.)

    So, I wouldn’t say avoid this one, it has its moments, but I can’t recommend it, unless you are desperate for an cheesy, 80’s, Italian zombie flick, and you keep your entertainment standards humble.

    YouTube seems to have the movie in its entirety for viewing, too! If you still haven't decided to watch this, here is a (long,) trailer to help make up your mind! ZOMBI 3 

    Also, I can’t help thinking this movie had hopes of being shown in 3D. There is a disproportionate amount of second-person 3D zooming! 

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My Zombie Movie Reviews Rubric

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