Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

SotLD's Zombie Classification Chart

    So, the way I see it, there are seven major types of 'zombie' classifications in movies. Each is very different from the next, and each with its own fans. Me? I like the Night of the Living Dead type myself. But to each his/her own.

The types, (as I see them,) are: 

Type 1 - Romeros. Slow, shambolic, mindless, and unrelenting. “The bodies of the recently deceased.” As Sheriff McClelland, (from Night of the Living Dead,) said, "Yeah. They're dead. They're all messed up."

Type 2 - Russos. Talkers: they speak, (“Brains!”), think, (“Neville, come out!” ) and set traps, (“Send more paramedics!”) but are still dead, slow, and eat people. (See Return of the Living Dead, and Last Man on Earth.)

Type 3 - Runners. Fast-moving, growling, more coordinated than Romeros. More like wild animals than corpses. I include the ‘living infected’ in this category, too. (See Dawn of the Dead - 2004, or 28 Days Later.) 

Type 4 - Voodoo Zombies. The original and only “True Zombies.” A recently deceased individual is resurrected by a person through voodoo  to perform a specific task. The zombie is released upon completion of said task or the death of the “Necromancer.” They do not eat people, are not contagious, or evil. Just dead. (See King of the Zombies, White Zombie or Serpent and the Rainbow.)

Type 5 - Nazi Zombies. Yes! Nazis have appeared so many times as the living dead that they earn a place on this chart. Nazi Zombies are undead, but still retain all the things that make them so evil. They also follow commands, work as a team, use weapons, and don't necessarily feast on the living. Good examples of these can be seen in Shock Waves, (1977,) Zombie Lake, (1980,) Oasis of the Dead, (1981,) Dead Snow 1 & 2, (2009 & 2014,) and many others.

Type 6 - Dead People. I dunno if these folks classify as ‘Zombies’  technically or not, but they are dead biologically, so… They can still function, think, hold a job and have normal daily lives, they just don't have a pulse. (See iZombie.)

Type 7 - EmoZombies. EmoZs feel. Usually sad, but also love - albeit mostly unrequited. (See Warm Bodies.) The zombie equivalent of Twilighters. Blecch.

Of these, I probably will NOT be doing reviews of type 6 or 7 zombie movies. I am just not interested in them. Sorry.

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