Welcome to the Site of the Living Dead

A fan of zombie movies? Me too! I have watched many and reviewed them here in order to recommend, (or to NOT recommend!) them to those seeking to see one. I have focused on the more obscure titles since anyone looking for zombie movies has probably already seen Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Zombi, Shawn of the Dead, and Return of the Living Dead.
And if you haven't, then you should... Now!

Monday, January 6, 2020

The Battery, (2013)

 Proof that a low budget zombie film doesn't have to suck.

 A couple guys with very different attitudes are drifting across post-zombie-apocalypse rural New England. They scavenge and survive as nomads, ("Never stop moving! Like a shark!") until they intercept a radio transmission from other survivors who seem to have their shit together. One of the two wants to find them these others and settle down, the other wants to keep moving. And these others don't want them.

  The movie is NOT an action flick, (there is one sequence where nothing is happening but a guy smoking a cigarette... in its entirety. Yet this is a very tense and suspenseful couple of minutes.) The cast is very small, most of the movie is just these two guys. But they are fun to watch, engaging and likable and have a good on-screen dynamic.

The dead, (one of the two guys refuses to use the word 'zombie' because "its ridiculous,") are strictly Romero-style: slow, shambling, and "all messed up," but still convey that sense of doom.

This is a cool, original 'road-trip' style movie that really makes the most of its obviously minimal budget. Held up to my Zombie Movie Rubric it score a 3.625 out of four points! Not too shabby for being filmed on a $6000.00 budget!

Highly recommended!

Check out this trailer on YouTube! The Battery

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My Zombie Movie Reviews Rubric

In order to fairly 'grade' a Zombie film, I use the following nine criteria points. It is not a perfect system, but it does keep me...